Since my move, I have been lucky enough to have a workroom that I can shut the door on at the end of the working day. Previously it had been a case of having to share space with my equipment and machinery. So now I have the luxury of actually being able to relax in space that is designed to be relaxed in (as shown in a previous blog) - sheer heaven! The equipment I have though excellent and of course, necessary, isn't the most beautiful to sit and admire, so it is a treat to be able finally to put it somewhere practical and hidden! A clever panoramic picture of my workroom, it looks a bit cramped but actually it is remarkably spacious, tho for some of the big gowns, it can be a bit tight! My knitting machine station,consisting of an electronic Brother 970 complete with ribber and garter carriage - perfect for all the blankets I produce. Currently working on a cardigan for my sister in law, pictures shortly! My sewing machine station, consist...